Ayahuasca – Santo Daime Library
Law: international juridical recognition of ayahuasca ritual useBrazil – France – Italy – Spain – New Mexico (USA) – The Netherlands

ONU – International Narcotics Control Board (INCB).
2001 – HTML International Control on Ayahuasca [english] [italiano] [francé]. January, 17th, 2001, official letter to the Dutch Health Minister. 

ONU – General Assembly.
1993 – HTML Le droit à la liberté de pensées, de conscience et de religion (art. 18), 30/07/93 – CCPR OBSERVATION GENERALE 22 (General Comments).
1992 – HTML Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious or Linguistic Minorities. Adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in resolution 47/135 of 18 December 1992.
1966 – HTML International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (art.18,24,26,27). The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights was adopted and opened for signature, ratification and accession by the United Nations General Assembly in resolution 2200A (XXI) of 16 December 1966. It entered into force on 23 March 1976.
1948 – The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (web site).

2005 – HTML Talk between Alex Polari and dutch lawer Adéle van der Plas on Santo Daime juridical recognition in Europe.
1999 – HTML Nota Oficial da Igreja do Santo Daime – CEFLURIS [francé] [italiano].


Conselho National AntiDrogas (CONAD).
2004 – PDF RESOLUÇÃO Nº 4 [portugues] [italiano HTML] – CONAD, DE 4 DE NOVEMBRO DE 2004. 

SILVA SÁ, Domingos Bernardo Gialluisi.
1996 – HTML “Ayahuasca, a consciência da expansão“, in: Discursos sediciosos. Crime, Direito e Sociedade. Rio del Janeiro, Istitudo Carioca de Criminologia, Anno 1, n° 2, 2° sem. 1996, pp. 145-174. 


2005 – PDF COUR D’APPEL DE PARIS (disponibile su richiesta a library@santodaime.it)10ème chambre, section B [francé] [italiano] (acquittal on Santo Daime French Church / sentenza di prosciglimento per la Chiesa Frencese del Santo Daime). 

BARROS SOUZA, Marcelo. Prior of the Benedictine Monastery of the Annunciation in Goias (Brazil).
2003 – PDF Support letter [portuguese] for the juridical recognition of Santo Daime ritual use in France. 

BIANCHI, Antonio.
2001 – Scientific Report realized for the juridical recognition of Santo Daime ritual use in France.

2001 – Personal letter written for the juridical recognition of Santo Daime ritual use in France.

ISER – Instituto de Estudos da Religião (Religion Studies Institute), Rio de Janeiro – Brazil.
2003 – PDF Support letter [english] for the juridical recognition of Santo Daime ritual use in France. 


BIANCHI, Antonio.
2004 – Scientific Report realized for the juridical recognition of Santo Daime ritual use in Italy.

2004 – HTML Carta de Certificação da parceria do WWF com IDA/CEFLURIS nos projeitos na Amazonas [portuguese] [italiano] (Lettera di certificazione della collaborazione attiva del WWF con l’IDA/CEFLURIS per progetti di sviluppo ambientali in Amazzonia).

New Mexico – USA

2002, August 12 – PDF DISTRICT COURT OF NEW MEXICO – Decision
2002, November 11 – PDF DISTRICT COURT OF NEW MEXICO – Preliminary Injunction Order.
2003, September 03 – HTML 10th CIRCUIT COURT – Decision 
2004, November 12 – HTML 10th CIRCUIT COURT – Opinion 
2004, December 03 – UDV – PDF Response in Opposition to Emergency Stay Application. [Attachment]. 
2005, July – USA GOVERNMENT – PDF Brief to the Supreme Court.
2005, September 09 – UDV – PDF Brief of UDV Respondents to the Supreme Court
2005, September – Amicus Curiae Filings – In support of the UDV’s case before the United States Supreme Court, nine different amicus curiae (friend of the court) legal briefs have been submitted, by a number of individuals and organizations, each addressing different aspects of this important legal case. 
1) PDF A brief was submitted on behalf of a coalition of religious and civil liberties organizations including The National Association of Evangelicals, The National Council of Presbyterian Churches, The Baptist Joint Committee, The American Civil Liberties Union, and The Foundation for the Free Exercise of Religion. [Appendix]
2) PDF A brief submitted by The Conference of Catholic Bishops asking the Supreme Court to use its authority to affirm the constitutional guarantee of the free exercise of religion in the UDV case.
3) PDF A brief submitted by The Becket Foundation for Religious Liberty representing itself, The American Jewish Committee, The American Jewish Congress, The Association on American Indian Affairs, and The Unitarian Universalist Association, and others, asking the Supreme Court to reject any arguments made by another group of amici, questioning the constitutionality of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.
4) PDF A brief submitted by The International Academy for Freedom of Religion and Belief, in support of the UDV’s position, educating the court with respect to the important international law and treaty issues raised by government in this case on appeal.
5) PDF A brief submitted by The Liberty Legal Institute in support of the UDV also addressing the responsibilities of the United States Government under the treaties and international law issues raised in this case.
6) PDF A brief submitted on behalf of a group of scientists and public policy experts in support of the UDV, arguing that they have reviewed the medical evidence presented in the case and concluded that the record overwhelmingly supports the district court’s findings.
7) PDF A brief submitted on behalf of the Council on Spiritual Practices and a group of distinguished professors in the area of world religion in support of the UDV. The brief was written to educate the court with respect to the venerable history of plant sacraments (like the UDV’s hoasca) over centuries of human religious history.
8) PDF A brief submitted by a group of research scientists and public policy experts arguing that the Controlled Substance Act and the international drug treaties do not apply to the UDV’s religious use of its plant sacrament.
9) PDF A brief submitted by Professor Douglas Laycock, former advisor to Congress on issues of religious freedom, in support of the district court’s decision in favor of the UDV. Prof. Laycock’s brief argues that the district court was correct to grant the UDV’s request for a preliminary injunction under RFRA.
NEW! – 2006, February 21 – PDF SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES – Opinion of the Court [HTML].  [breve commento in italiano] [commentary in english]

MEYER, D. Matthew.
2005 – PDF Religious Freedom and United States Drug Laws: Notes on the UDV-USA Legal Case. Published on www.neip.info, september 2005. 


2000 – JPG ACQUITTAL on Santo Daime Spanish Church [español: JPG – HTML] (sentenza di prosciglimento per la Chiesa spagnola del Santo Daime). 

MINISTERIO DE JUSTICIA, Instituto Nazional de Toxicologìa, Servicio de Informaciòn Toxicològica
2000 – INFORME N° 04508/00 Ampliaciòn [italiano HTML].

BISPOS CATOLICOS reunidos em Asemblea National
(Catholic Bishops during the National Meeting – Vescovi Cattolici riuniti in Assemblea Nazionale)
2000 – PDF Support letter for Santo Daime members addressed to the Spanish judge [portuguese & espanol] [italiano HTML]. 

FERREIRA, Francisco Whitaker – Secretário Executivo, COMISSION BRASILEÑA JUSTICIA Y PAZ.
2000 – HTML Support letter for Santo Daime members addressed to the Spanish judge [espanol].

2000 – Scientific Report realized for the juridical recognition of Santo Daime ritual use in Spain.

BOFF, Leonardo.
2000 – PDF Support letter for Santo Daime members addressed to the Spanish judge [espanol] [HTML]. 

2000 – HTML Breve Informe sobre la Ayahuasca, Scientific Report realized for the juridical recognition of Santo Daime ritual use in Spain. 
2001 – HTML Sobre el caso del Santo Daime. Revista Cáñamo, Número 38 Febrero 2001.

2000 – PDF Support letter for Santo Daime members addressed to the Spanish judge [portuguese] [HTML]. 

FRÓES, Vera.
2000 – Antropological & Scientific Study on Ayahuasca use. Institudo de Estudos Culturais e Ambientais (Brasil) for the FIOCRUZ Foundation, April 27th, 2000.

MABIT, Jacques.
2000 – Personal letter written for the juridical recognition of Santo Daime ritual use in Spain.

2000 – Estudo Etno-botanico sobre la Ayahuasca y DMT, realized on April, 4th, 2000 for the juridical recognition of Santo Daime ritual use in Spain.

MORELLI, Don Mauro. Catholic Bishop in Duque de Caixas, RJ – Brazil.
2000 – PDF Support letter for Santo Daime members addressed to the Spanish judge [portuguese]. 

SCHULTES, Richard Evans.
2000 – HTML Personal letter [italiano] used for the juridical recognition of Santo Daime ritual use in Spain.

The Netherlands

2001 – HTML ABRIDGED JUDGMENT [english] [italiano] (acquittal on Santo Daime Dutch Church / sentenza di prosciglimento per la Chiesa Olandese del Santo Daime). 

ONU – International Narcotics Control Board (INCB).
2001 – HTML International Control on Ayahuasca [english] [italiano] [francé]. January, 17th, 2001, official letter to the Dutch Health Minister.

GROISMAN, Alberto.
2000 – HTML Report of research carried out in the Netherlands concerning Santo Daime Churches realized for the juridical recognition of Santo Daime ritual use in the Netherlands.

KAPLAN, Charles.
2000 – DOC Scientific Report realized for the juridical recognition of Santo Daime ritual use in the Netherlands.

MacRAE, Edward.
2000 – HTML Socio-Antropological Report realized for the juridical recognition of Santo Daime ritual use in the Netherlands.